How to Swap BNB to MATIC

Learn in a few steps how to swap BNB to Polygon (MATIC) and AIRT on BSC to Polygon using bridge and DEXes.

January 17, 2022

If you’re looking for a platform to swap Binance coins (BNB) for Polygon (MATIC) coins, you can use Binance or KuCoin as convenient and quick options to do so. On the other hand, if you don’t have Binance or KuCoin and want to use DEX without registering anywhere you can go to, their BNB to Polygon online exchange chooses the best conversion rate. It allows you to use only your private wallet and no registration or KYC is required to start trading.

However, don't panic if your BNB is not exchanged within a day, these cross-chain exchanges sometimes take more than 8 hours or even a full day to complete.

What is Polygon?

Formerly known as the Matic Network, Polygon is a scaling solution that runs on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling fast transactions with low gas fees. MATIC is the network's native cryptocurrency that is used for fees, staking, and more.  It also functions as a platform for building and connecting Ethereum-enabled blockchain networks.

Polygon reduces transaction fees on the Ethereum network while dramatically increasing the speed of transactions. The protocol enables instant transactions that cost a fraction of a penny ($0.002). Its focus on scalability is what makes it very attractive to decentralized applications that run on the Ethereum blockchain.

Uniswap, for example, announced that it has deployed Uniswap V3 on Polygon on December 22, 2021.

Why do you need MATIC?

Imagine paying four times as much for transaction fees as you would for a real NFT. Ethereum's gas/network fees are insane, and that's where Polygon comes in. To remedy this insanity.

The network aims to evolve Ethereum by reducing transaction fees and improving its usability. It uses Proof-of-stake side chains (such as PoS and zk Rollups) and can execute thousands of transactions per second.

Several scaling solutions are under development, but only one is currently in use, the Matic network (Polygon PoS chain today). Due to its low fees and compatibility with Ethereum, it is very attractive for many DeFi protocols to launch on its PoS chain.

Once you have MATIC you can go ahead and swap it for AIRT on Polygon to pay auction network/gas fees on the NFT marketplace. You can as well use MATIC to pay network fees and bridge your currently owned AIRT from BSC to Polygon.

Current AIRT holders can use Multichain-Cross-Router Protocol to bridge their AIRT Token on BSC to Polygon without any problems. They only need MATIC to cover the network fees. Multichain (formerly known as Anyswap) is a Cross-Chain Router Protocol (CRP) that supports cross-chain interoperability of tokens, NFTs, and general data across multiple chains.

‍How does Multichain work?

1. In your Trust Wallet or MetaMask Wallet, open the in-app browser, and use the following link to trade: In this case, we’ll use Trust Wallet,

2. Click the drop-down menu to select AIRT, then scroll down and click  “Approve AIRT” to let the smart contract interact with it,

3. Click on “Swap” then “Confirm.” Please wait patiently as the transaction may take from 3 to 30 minutes.

4. Your transaction is done when Status changes into “Success”

5. Check cross-chain transaction status by pasting your Polygon (MATIC) Wallet address on Multichain Explorer.

How to swap BNB to MATIC on LetsExchange?

After funding your Trust Wallet or MetaMask wallet, to convert Binance Coin (BNB) to Polygon (MATIC), open the in-app browser, and use this link to trade:

1. On the page, choose the coin that you wish to exchange and the number of coins,

2. Choose the cryptocurrency to buy,

3. Provide the wallet address to get the exchanged funds,

4. The next step is depositing the coins needed for the exchange for MATIC,

5. The system will search the best BNB to MATIC exchange rate, and the transaction will be completed.

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